Seesaw is a digital tool for learning. Today the first graders in 1A got to learn how to use it. In order to get super coaching in it, 2E students came to help. They have been using it for over a year, so all the first graders got one or two individual coaches to guide and help them.
2E -luokka oli tuutoroimassa 1A:n oppilaita, kun aloitimme
ensimmäistä kertaa Seesaw-ohjelman käytön iPadeilla.
What should I press? What should I do?
What green +?
How do I edit?
Oman mausteensa tuntiin toi se, että Emmi-opettaja opetti
englannin kielellä. Hyvää kielisuihkutusta siis samalla.
We had a really wonderful time full of learning, sharing and feeling proud of ourselves! Well done 1A and 2E!